A night without Twitter

Pretty scary. I came home after a long day and got ready to do my nightly tweeting. I turned on my computer and started up TweetDeck – my tweeting tool of choice and tried to log in. TweetDeck kept throwing errors about the log-in. I think tried to go to Twitter on the web, and nothing came up. I didn’t even get the fail whale, just a page can’t be displayed message. I started getting nervous. What would happen if I couldn’t tweet?

It took time, but eventually Twitter came back. I didn my #woofwednesdays and posted a couple of articles. None of the aricles that I posted were my own. I try to stick something in from The Pet Wiki every night, but I’m just to tired to figure out what to feature. It will come tomorrow.

I can’t believe how dependent I’ve become of Twitter. I really enjoy it. A lot of the people that I’ve “met” on Twitter are really nice. It’s a real community. I guess I just afriad that I’d miss hanging out with my friends.