The Google Definition Link and

There’s been a lot of coverage the last few days about Google changing its definition link to point to its own site. Since 2005 it had pointed to, and before that to
A few key points:
- announced this upcoming change in our November 4 conference call and in SEC filings. Google was kind enough to provide a heads up, and we passed the message along.
- We very much appreciate that Google valued our site enough to direct its definition seeking users to us for nearly five years. Google has every right to create its own definition service, and to decide for itself how best to serve its users. In this case Google is choosing its own fast, clean dictionary pages over’s more robust pages that often include encyclopedias and specialized dictionaries (compare for example the pages defining annuity on and on Google).
- When Google first decided to point their definition link to, we were just making the transition from being a pop-up dictionary / encyclopedia focused on short data sources to a more robust product that today includes many longer entries from publishers like Oxford and Gale and over 6 million answered questions from our community. We actually have Google GUI guru Marissa Mayer to thank for suggesting that we move from a tabbed interface (where each source was on its own tab) to displaying our sources one after the other, which helped our site develop into a more complete information resource.
- The Google definition link accounted for only about 5% of traffic in recent months. The bulk of traffic today is to our community Q&A.
- In 2005 Google’s definition link really helped us take off. But in the last few years it has been the least significant component of our relationship with Google. Google continues to direct many of their searchers to the answers we provide. And the bulk of our revenue comes from Google AdSense, a contract we actually recently renewed to continue through January 2012.
In summary, Web users increasingly choose Google to find information. We thank Google for pointing their definition link to us for almost 5 years. We’re sorry to see that traffic go, but it was only 5% of our traffic. Google has built tremendous networks that connect information seekers, information providers, and advertisers. We’re glad to be a part of these networks. We will continue focusing our efforts on providing quality answers from licensed sources and from the community, and we hope users will continue finding us both directly and from Google search.
December 9, 2009 @ 1:31 am
Hi Gil, nice post. The GTS blog wrote about this on November 5 2009 ( one month before Google went live with the change, correctly predicting where Google was going to direct the traffic.
December 9, 2009 @ 8:31 am
Hi Gil, nice post. The GTS blog wrote about this on November 5 2009 ( one month before Google went live with the change, correctly predicting where Google was going to direct the traffic.
February 25, 2010 @ 6:51 am
i still prefer today
February 25, 2010 @ 10:06 am
Thank you! So do I. Though I might be slightly biased 🙂
March 9, 2010 @ 6:42 pm
I only got round to checking the backstory to what had happened with Google's definitions, but right after the switch I added a keyword search to Firefox, such that “def [word or phrase]” in the address bar brings up the superior Answers definitions. =)
Good to hear that the move was amicable, though it would have been nicer (and probably more prudent) if Google had let its own solution mature further before they switched.
What are the terms of the deal around dictionary definitions for search terms on - Quora
November 3, 2010 @ 7:50 am
[…] decided to implement its own definition feature and to point the traffic to that. More on this here…Insert a dynamic date here BIU @ @ ReferenceEdit […]