Greg Jarboe on YouTube Marketing Strategy

I’ve already started working on creating a YouTube channel for The Pet Wiki. It’s not much, but it’s a start. I’ve added a bunch of videos that look more like home movies that anything else. After hearing 3 Reasons You Need a YouTube Marketing Strategy (and Tips to Help You Generate Results) from Greg Jarboe, it’s a no-brainer.

Greg Jarboe
Greg Jarboe
  • 24 hours of video uploaded evey minute
  • More people are watching video content online than are going to social networks
  • Average video gets 100 views
  • Front end load – listen to first 10 sec
  • YouTube search is different than google search – it uses a different algorithm. YouTube has its own keyword tool
  • Make sure to create a transcript of your video to make it more searchable, and add detailed tags
  • You need to be compelling in the first few seconds
  • The YouTube blog, Creators Corner, has a lot of great tips
  • You should look at the stats on when people bail out to find out how to make your video content more compelling
  • Allow videos to be embedded in blogs – each view is counted and it helps in video rating
  • Promote your video. You can even embed them in press releases

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