Awesome content strategies
This session was titled Big Content Strategies. I thought that meant if you have millions of pages how do you get them to rank well. Apparently what they meant was Awesome Content Strategies. Which was cool.
Aaron Friedman
Let the creativity flow. Have brainstorming sessions. Beer helps.

I think Google took keyword data away because people were creating crap content for it. [Interesting]
Timeliness matters! [This one hurt. He showed a sad image of a woman saying “I just wrote a great post. But they changed the conversation!” The world of social and viral seems to favor the fast and edgy rather than the slow and considered].
Make a blog series. Use images to tell stories. Like in Mila’s daydreams.
Where do the ideas come from? Don’t reinvent the wheel – repurpose it!
Do a site search on for long boring information. Make it fun and digestible and exciting.
Consolidate from other sources.
[Market other people’s stuff!!]
Scrape Quora: [He linked to their Google Doc with instructions and an example:
Conversations happening around your product, service and industry.
Ubersuggest. Find queries for autosuggest.
Merry Morud
Marty is infinitely jealous that he couldn’t be here.

Distribute content and pay for amplification
Dominate social content distribution with social and ads. This stuff works.
Analyze your community with Facebook
Use Facebook to analyze your community’s actual interests. Use their ads tool (which is free). Only target people connected to you. Add different categories and see how many people fit each category. Now you can see what your fans like. You know you have a lot of small business owners but not a lot of designers so keep your posts on the topics that interest your audience. If they like cats and not dogs [because you have a community of narcissists and sadists] change your headline to be about cats instead of dogs.
Google+ Hashtags
See what’s hot on Google. Sort by Most Recent to see what to jump in on now, and by Best of to get a feel for what Google likes.
All social networks matter but G+ matters the most! Most seeable social signals, longer life, faster indexing.
Have to walk the fine line between organic and click bait.
Craft the message
You can’t just auto-post to the social networks, you need to craft each post.
On Facebook you can edit the headlines on articles you post. So I changed the headline on the SMX Israel article to “SMX Israel welcomes Merry Morud.” My family doesn’t get how this stuff works, so they just think I’m awesome.
Promoted Tweets
Twitter promoted Tweets. These all look organic. The targeting is awesome.
Pay per engagement.
Just signing up for Twitter’s promoted Tweets program and putting a little money in gets you access to great analytics or your non-promoted Tweets too.
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January 26, 2014 @ 10:39 pm
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January 27, 2014 @ 1:36 pm
[…] Awesome content strategies […]
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January 27, 2014 @ 3:05 pm
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