Rand Fishkin started a nice debate when he attacked the old canard “For SEO: Design for Users not Search Engines.” Rand blasted that as terrible advice. Search Engine Land attacked this twice: Danny Sullivan took Rand on in the comments section, and Jill Whalen blasted him in her weekly column, saying that Rand’s piece “could […]
YOUMoz just published a post I wrote a month ago The Zeroth Law of Writing for SEO. YOUMoz is the Guest Post section of SEOMoz, a leading SEO site started by Rand Fishkin (disclosure: who has done some consulting for us). Got to hand it to them, they’ve really nailed this UGC angle. They have […]
Entrepreneurs, Product Managers and other otherwise intelligent people often get distracted by their ambition. Everything from Disney to these Out of the Box management (I mean leadership) books keep hitting you with hyperbole about dreaming big. Which is only OK if you also have the discipline to think and act small. Take Google. They have […]
The book I picked up (Logic of Life by Tim Harford) on the way to SMX Advanced had a chapter on cities that somehow contained excellent insights into: Why I attended the conference Social Media (one of the conference’s key issues) WikiAnswers (one of the sites we’re trying to make even better) Living near Jerusalem […]
I found this hysterical: It made me think of the Product Management implications. Star Trek was saved by a small community of die-hard fans. They have conferences. Some write books extending the series. Others spend endless hours learning fictional languages. This is a legendary, passionate community, without whom Star Trek would never have made it […]
Think you’re a good manager? Now imagine that many of the people who are building your site don’t even work for you. You can’t tell them what to do. They don’t rely on you for their jobs or paychecks. They owe you nothing, and your business is to help them create. It shouldn’t be surprising […]
Yesterday saw Wikia Search surrender to Google, and Encarta surrender to Wikipedia. Well, a few days ago, Jimmy Wales insisted in an imediaconnection article (Jimmy Wales: Why the recession won’t kill digital media) that they were moving full steam ahead on Wikia Search “I have my team focused on the front end, working on the […]